I took a friend’s toddler to the park the other day in practice for my upcoming servitude (yes I know I’m mad). Here I was heavily preggers wearing a plain white lycra singlet, black lycra roll top pants and thongs. Believe me, if they came in lycra I’d be wearing those too. I figured there wasn’t much need to dress up I was probably going to get some child’s ice-cream smooshed into my top anyway, so I just threw my look together, swept my hair up and headed down to the park.
It quickly became apparent that the days of running out of the house, screaming toddler in tow, competing with the other mums for the title of most sleep deprived are long gone. I was surrounded by Citizens of Humanity jeans with just the right amount of fade, sleek blow-dried hair (not the “Double Bay Blond” kind but the shiny natural healthy kind), tan leather totes and lattes.
Now I know I have discussed the point before that if your kid looks good you get extra style points, but the women here had taken it one step further. Pram brands are everything, and a designer bag gives you instant access to the club – weekly blow dry or not.
How does one keep up? I got to talking with some of these women thinking surely they must have an army of help giving them enough time to look fabulous each day, but it’s not the case.
When you glance closer the overall style is simple, classic and easy care. Its all about getting the right pieces and having some fun baby friendly accessories.
As always, a great pair of jeans is an essential - I saw plenty of Tsubi, Citizens and Sevens, but the pick of the bunch was a cute pair of white summer cropped jeans from Target. These had a bit of stretch to them that the wearer was more than happy to show off.
The general uniform at the park consists of jeans, basic singlets in all colours – try Baybeechino for great styles that allow feeding, and a cropped jacket beige is best here. Only one style of shoe per season cuts it - Ballet for cool, leather thong for warm. However, if you are going to open toe it, you had better make sure your pedicure is up to scratch. Nice and bright toes and classic baby pink fingernails.
When it comes to the beauty regime, these mums all agree unanimously that time away from the kids is the only way to stay sane. That time is then best spent at the hairdressers or nail bar. No nanny necessary either, just go with a friend (who also has kids) and each take turns taking a time out.
What stood out for me the most wasn’t the clothing, it was the kit that goes along with having a baby. The Yummy Mummy carries a Madison Rose leather tote bag filled with organic baby products and pure muslin wraps. She never ever carries a plain plaid picnic blanket or uses the change tables in the parent’s room, she brings along the softest Amelies Room picnic blankets and change mats to sit on and drink her coffee.
Remember the more designer the bag the less time you have to spend getting ready.
Lucky I had just had a manicure and was carrying a failsafe Chloe……always counts for something……