There is certainly something to be said for working from home. As a personal stylist I’m sure people think I sit around drinking fresh cups of tea on pure white lounges filled with chintz cushions. The truth is oft more grizzly. Take today for instance. I haven’t had a shower yet, am still in my flannies, my cats are resting on my lap and I have a jug of orange juice beside me with no glass. Oh the joy of drinking straight from the bottle………….
I guess the only saving grace I have left is that I would never let anybody see me like this. In fact it’s in this weakened state of fashion that I am even telling you the bare truth. You have to ask yourself one question, would I answer the door to a courier wearing this outfit. If the answer is no – and in my case it’s a very emphatic NO! then its time to clean out the pajama / around the house draw and grab some groovy basics.
The fact that its so miserable outside is the perfect excuse to shop online and have it sent straight to your door.
I always start at Peter Alexander and buy an ensemble that matches. The polka dot tie front pants, singlet and slippers are a great option and don’t look too bad for putting out the rubbish or greeting the postie.
Elle MacPherson Intimates do the softest black jersey loungewear, lace trimmed singlets and spencers at Zodee, and best of all, no one will know the difference if you walk to the corner store for the papers in them. Just take the fluffy heeled slippers off first……..
For a total flat out like a lizard watching telly day and the ultimate in couch potato style, look no further than Midnight Romp for romper suits, dressing gowns and footed pajamas! Yep you heard me pajamas with attached slippers! It doesn’t get any better than that in my book.
With rain forecast for the weekend, and my order of footed jammies on the way I should be able to work my whole way through Martha Stewarts back catalogue on Foxtel.