I don’t know which option’s worse you either disregard the Super Hero’s fancy dress notice and end up being the Plain Jane in the corner while everyone else gets down and dirty in their Catwomen suits while you try and pass yourself off as Lois Lane or worse still you turn up in last years Play Bunny outfit and if you are anything like me you look more Sara ‘Bunny Ears’ Marie from Big Brother than Elle Woods.
So what is the correct protocol? How do you stand out from the crowd without wishing you had emptied a stiff drink first…..
Start by reading the invite properly or ask for clarification. If your host’s theme asks for Hookers and Hobos its not asking you to turn up looking like a beef eating linebacker.
Is the occasion heavily based around the fancy dress theme or has it just been tacked on at the bottom of the invite “so and so is turning 30 yada yada yada, wish you could join us etc etc etc, oh and if you fancy, turn up wearing your knickers on your head”
However, if the invite is written on Spiderman paper, lists a fancy dress rental store in Bondi and has a fine (run around the room with someone else’s knickers on your head) for turning up sans costume it’s a fair bet you can go out and rent that PVC miniskirt – or grab it our of your underwear draw.
As with all female beauty duties its always best to turn up with friends for moral support. Of course in this case you want to make sure that A) you are the only one wearing the Catwomen costume and B) you look the best in it.
A little confidence goes a long way. Walk in like Bridget Jones to a garden party and all the girls will be wishfully gazing at your cat-that-ate-the-cream smile and all the guys………well we know where they will be looking.
Have that stiff drink and settle in for an evening of sparkling flirtation and envious compliments.